Have your daughter print this out, from their own website, hand it to them and demand an explaination.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
The Gall & Hypocrisy!!
by Simon Morley injust got a call from my daughter that she got word that the jw honeywagon (literature stand) has set up in the university she teaches at.
one (and there are many) of the reasons we left was due to the stance on higher education, she was persecuted by the elders for attending the very university they are now set up in.
my daughter eventually got a masters degree overseas and now teaches at the same unversity, is self sufficent and will not have to eke out some pittance of a living while fighting a very delbilitating health condition.
What does Elizabeth II have in common with the GB?
by Las Malvinas son Argentinas inan aversion to beards, no less!
didn't her grandfather, george v, have one?.
Pete Zahut
The Queen is the figurehead of an empire known as G.B.
The G.B. are figureheads of an empire near Queens.
Two circuits in Ohio dissolved!
by kneehighmiah inannounced that two ohio circuits are to be dissolved including 5 congregations.
congregations in the dissolved circuits will be assigned to two existing circuits.
the excuse the letter offered is that people are moving, or that people are retiring and leaving the area.
Pete Zahut
How's things goin' for the JW's in Cedar Point, these days?
Inaccurate hours recorded
by snare&racket inignoring the fact that all but the super jw's had a random stab at hours done in the ministry, with all the different activities the society said counted as ministry hours, just how accurate is there annual report?.
what activities do you know of that were allowed to be counted as ministry time?
here are some i knew of.... .
Pete Zahut
Scanning the Internet in search of opportunities to stick up for the FDS, Jehovah and sometimes Jesus whenever anti JW comments are discovered.
Well my JW elder dad has lost his job...
by BU2B inas a little background, my dad became a jw in 1980 i think, went to bethel, married my mom in 86' went back for another year and then i came along... he worked in the auto repair shop at bethel while he was there, and upon leaving, continued working in this field.
my whole life they have been the type of jw parents that tell you how you will never get to high school, never graduate it, never get married in this system, never have children in this system etc.. i say this to illustrate the end is just around the corner attitude they have always had, probably because they fully bought/buy into the hype at the conventions/wt articles.
my father has no plan in place for retirement, and he is physically slowing down doing such hard laborious work.
Pete Zahut
I think it would be unfair of them to expect you to take them in under these circumstances. As a parent, the last thing I want to do is be a burden on my kids. It would be one thing if they were too sick or old to help themselves but to expect you to foot the bill while they choose not to have an income is too much to expect.
There is a scripture at Thessalonians 3:10 that says basically that if you don't work....you don't eat. By Pioneering, they are choosing not to spend their time engaging in income generating work and should not expect others to suport them. In my area, in order to obey Cesar's law, one who is receving unemployment benefits must be actively persuing employment and is not allowed to turn down suitable work.
Once you let them move in, it would be difficult to get them out without a huge family blowout. If they have their own home, it's likely they could stay there less expensively than it would be to rent an apartment. Maybe they should look for another Pioneer couple or Border to move in with them and they can charge rent.
This photo woke me up
by krejames in.
i was already on my way to my second fade when i went to the wildlife photographer of the year 2012 exhibition, but this photo made me lose faith in the idea of a loving creator......(the gazelle has been injured by the mother cheetah so she can use it to train her cubs to hunt).
Pete Zahut
So are we humans any less loving?
I hear what you're saying Tornapart but humans, according to our JW upbringing,although made in God's image, are cursed, wicked and flawed . He supposedly wants us to obey his laws and expects our actions to reflect his good qualities. I think the original poster was reasoning that if God is so loving, just and perfect, why would he create animals with teeth and claws and cunning skils to hunt and also instill in those same animals the instinct to survive and the ability to feel utter terror and horrible pain while being shreadded by a faster,stronger animal ? Seems like an almighty loving father/creator could have come up with a better plan . Even wicked humans fight to ensure there are laws that punish or prevent animals from being treated cruelly.
What's the next big organizational change you predict could happen?
by Island Man inyadda yadda 2 predicted a change in the bookstudy arrangement.
what future changes do you predict could/would happen?.
Pete Zahut
1. As was done with the word "Generation", they will change the meaning of the word "Abstain" claiming that in Hebrew, the word abstain can also mean to "Hold in" as well as to "refrain from". Therefore the use of blood to "hold in" ones life force during a medical emergency, evidently wouldn't be breaking God's law.
2. To avoid the problem of identity theft,bounced checks,declined credit cards and "missing" donations, they will start using Pay-Pal at the Kingdom Halls and Conventions.
3. Sisters can wear pants to the meeting provided they also wear a headcovering and out in service so long as they wear them under a dress.
The eldaaaars again!!
by ILoveTTATT inafter two months of not coming to my house, today about two hours ago, one of the elders that came two months ago came to my house.
he was in serve-us with other brothers from the spanish cong and came into my house with a friend of mine (not another elder).
he said he wanted to talk to me, and he said it in front of my mom and my dad (both were there).. what was interesting is that it seems like it will be a one-on-one for half-hour.
Pete Zahut
They dropped in on you unannounced and sort of put you on the spot. To be considerate, if you really don't want to go, I'd text him that I wasn't able to meet him after all as planned. I'd offer no excuses, explanatons or appologies and wouldn't answer any replies he might make on this subject or any other. If he doesn't get the hint that you don't want to talk to him, that's his problem. I wouldn't base any actions regarding your life and employment, on trying to get away from JW's.
What do you say if you get asked "Are you an Apostate?"
by KateWild ini am reuniting with past students and return visits.. i met up with a young lad i used to call on.
he is not baptised, but at university in his 20's and living away from home.
his mother is a jw and his father is not.
Pete Zahut
If someone asked me that question I'd ask them what their definition of the word Apostate is. (most don't even know for sure how to define that term)
I'd ask them if they thought that being an apostate was a bad thing.
I'd ask them if Charles Taze Russell was an apostate from his church when he left it to start the Bible Students and if so, was being an apostate in that instance, a good thing?
I'd tell them that I was baptized based on an understanding of certain doctrines they taught me and because of certian claims they made. Their claims proved to be false and they've changed enough of those doctrines that my original dedication has been invalidated. My dedication was made under false pretenses and has therefore become null and void. I didn't change....they did.
trying to convince my wife not to confess...
by wafflesandpancakes induring our engagement, we fooled around and touch each other down there.
it's not a "tap" but definitely is not "stimulation".
i tried to convince my wife, who, after 5 years of marriage, strangely felt guilty all the sudden, that its not do called porneia.
Pete Zahut
The same thing happened to my wife and I. After we were married at least 5 years or more and had a child there was this talk given at the meeting about how Jehovah wasn't blessing our Congregation. There hadn't been any growth in years and they said it was because someone was hiding some wrongdoing. They urged anyone who might have something to tell the Elders to come forward. My wife, after me asking/pleading for her not to, told the elders we engaged in "Heavy Petting" (still kinda' angry with her about that). It was totaly humiliating for her and they asked detailed questions, especially this one clod of an elder who used terms like "probing" and "fondling". Afterward she never felt the same about the Elders or the congregation (a good thing I guess) even though they said it was "all water under the bridge" and not to worry about it. I'm surprised they didn't come after me because I didn't go with her to tell on myself.
At the Circuit Assembly a few days later, we both noticed independantly of one another, that the fat, nosey wife of that "Clod" elder started giving us knowing looks and smirking and giving us sideways glances . She kept looking me up and down every time I walked by her, I even saw her glance at my crotch. It was as if she was trying to let us know that "she knew" about us.
That Elder was disfellowshiped shortly (weeks) after that himself for cheating on his disgusting wife with some woman he worked with. That was probalby the wrongdoing that was supposedly hinderig Jehovah's spirit on the Congregation. We often wondered who he or she told and what records are still on file about us especially now that we have both faded. What if someday one of our JW relatives starts going to that hall and reads our file ?
After that all happened is when I started to phase myself out of the Ministry School and eventually quit going in service altogether. Until my wife faded herself, she always felt guilty for causing my eventual demise as a JW for having been disloyal to me about something that should have been kept between only us.